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WELL my name is meryam i'm young no need to know the age but i'm very very young cute and i'm a girl i'm straght i love narusaku and sakuhina couple but i prefer sakuhina I DO WHAT I LIKE HAVE A PROBLEM

Sunday, February 12, 2012

message to the kings of the world and to the world people how do you feel when you see your brothers you sisters your family die it hurts it gave you pain shock tears so many people do not know it what about the people that the war take away everything from them but one thing hope yes hope like palestine israel try to take the kouds from her don't  you feel a bit sad and so many other contry people i need your help i want your help from morroco yes i m from morroco calling the world to help me at this bad situation do we want to end this world with war tell me do we NO no single person want that thats we call this a life because we live it why don t you hold a paper write on it we are the people of the world we sick from the wor we are the leaders and want to stop it if you did not want we will translate this words to your language and scream with it we need to every voice your voice is impotant to this world he give us hope so please help . leaders of the world isnt your action is enough you hurt us a lot you dosent knew the pain your people got when one of them women children old women old men and men they all the same at this war we want peace you dont new the pain when you dreams go in blink of en eye what happend to the sanisty of life and all other lies if you dont knew how to fix something well dont beak it its so simple the economy problems what make it the war if you stop the damn war yo  can bild your city its better than break it we want peace we want the truth we want a beatiful world so we can live in it thank you and i hope that the kings of the world and the world understand my message and do it and respect it the end.  


hey everyone in the world how are you register pleaaaaaase and post new subject if you like to and have fan thank you